Instructions for Products
Instructions for Kingdom Sideswipe
- Use tweezers on reverse side of wheel to collapse the mushroom peg and push the wheel out
- Insert new wheels using caution so as not to confuse the fronts from the rears
Instructions for Earthrise Sunstreaker
- Use tweezers on reverse side of wheel to collapse the mushroom peg and push the wheel out
- Due to the construction of the shoulder, high liklihood exists that the old wheel will break. this could be mitigated with a thin enough tool to get into small gap in the shoulder, but is currently unknown. otherwise you'll have to more or less rip the old tire out
- Insert new wheels using caution so as not to confuse the fronts from the rears
Instructions for Earthrise Datsuns
- Transform the vehicle halfway until you can find the 2 Phillips head screws located behind the back bumper.
- Remove the screws and take apart the chest
- Replace the headlight array and reassemble
- Replace the screws
Instructions for Legacy Dragstrip
Follow these instructions or watch the video linked
- Using a thin wedge shaped tool (preferably a set of tweezers) apply light pressure from behind the original tire
- Using a set of tweezers or a precision screwdriver, gently compress the collapsible mushroom peg keeping the wheels in place until the wheel slides out
- Pop the new wheels on
- Insert the rim caps
Instructions for Studio Cell Stand
- Plunk the ball on top
- That's it
- Are you still reading this?